In decursul istoriei olimpice, lupta pentru a ob’ine gazduirea unei editii a Jocurilor Olimpice a fost extreme de dura, mai ales in ultimele trei decenii, nu intotdeauna cu mijloace cinstite, in spirirtul olimpic. Pe 2 octombrie, la Copenhaga vom cunoaste orasul gazda al Jocurilor din 2016. Patru orase au ramas in cursa. Cine va castiga? […]
Friday October 2 is D Day for the four cities vying to host the 2016 Summer Olympic Games. And in not wanting to be outdone in the heads of state stakes, an impressive list of world leaders has been announced in the run-up to Friday’s vote with the latest addition being US President Barack Obama. […]
De ani buni, orice vorba a lui Gigi Becali este imediat subiect de prima pagina. De ani buni se asteapta, zi de zi, cu carnetele de notite si microfoanele deshise pentru a-i sorbi vorbele si pentru a le transforma, in direct si la ora de maxima audienta, in stiri de importanta capitala pentru natiunea sportiva. […]
By The rankings are based on the Competition Scores that come from three main factors: the results achieved during the competition (Result Score); the level of the participating athletes (World Rankings position, OG and WCH medals, WR) regardless of their actual performances in the given competition (Promotion Score); World Records in the competition (WR). […]
By Sports Features Communications Sochi 2014 was the main focus of the 8th International Investment Forum: ‘Sochi 2009’, which took place between 17 and 20 September in Russia’s Host City for the 2014 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. During the Forum, 238 deals worth 481.8 billion Rubles ($15.8 billion) were signed, including many connected to […]