Doar o zi a mai rămas până la debutul celei de a 11-a ediții a Jocurilor Mondiale, programate a se desfășura în perioada 7 – 17 iulie la Birmingham (SUA), aceasta marcând revenirea în Statele Unite, după ediția inaugurală a Jocurilor Mondiale, la Santa Clara, California, în 1981. Acest eveniment reprezintă, într-un fel, cealaltă fațetă […]
Au mai rămas aproximativ 30 de zile până la startul Campionatelor Europene de gimnastică – seniori și juniori -, a 34 ediție feminină având loc în perioada 11 – 14 august, iar cea de a 35-a ediție masculină, fiind programată în perioada 18-21 august, ambele în Olympiahalle din München, cunoscuta arenă de 15 500 de […] DOHA, June 12, 2022 – A stunning open-air ceremony at Khalifa International Stadium, under a shining Full Moon in Doha, saw the closure of the AIPS Sport Media Awards 2021 edition. There were tears, there was joy, and there were powerful and emotional speeches. It was a night for journalism, for journalists. It was […] 12/04/2022 The Olympic qualification systems in Artistic, Rhythmic, and Trampoline Gymnastics for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games have now been released following approval by the Executive Board of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) earlier this month. A total of 318 athletes – 192 in Artistic, 94 in Rhythmic, and 32 in Trampoline – will […]
„Să te cunoşti, să te stăpâneşti, să te invingi, iată frumuseţea eterna a sportului, aspiraţiile adevăratului sportiv şi condiţiile succesului său”, spunea candva Pierre de Coubertin.Indiscutabil, cel care s-a aflat printre promotorii şi susţinătorii acestui sport, atunci când Flacăra Olimpică s-a reaprins la Olympia, după secole de cenuşă, a intuit vizionar viitorul acestei discipline, care, […] LAUSANNE, March 18, 2022 – I apologize immediately because this time I am writing not as the president of the Association but as a sports journalist wounded by the images of the Moscow oceanic gathering, in which Vladimir Putin floated as the Apocalypse Messiah. I hope colleagues forgive me for using this space for […]
Following the IOC recommendations from Monday and the FIG decisions taken earlier today, the European Gymnastics Executive Committee met online to authorize the following sanctions until further notice: Based on the FIG decision for all FIG-sanctioned events, no athletes, officials, and judges from the Russian Gymnastics Federation and the Belarus Gymnastics Association can participate in any […]
AIPS vice president Nickolai Dolgopolov has stepped aside LAUSANNE, March 4, 2022 – Nickolai Dolgopolov has stepped aside as a vice president of the AIPS following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. He is the president of the Federation of Sports Journalists of Russia, FSJR. Dolgopolov, who has served as AIPS vice president since 2001, informed the AIPS president Gianni […]
04/03/2022 Given the massive escalation of the Russian military invasion of Ukraine, the Executive Committee (EC) of the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) held an emergency meeting today to discuss the necessity of adopting further emergency measures against Russia and Belarus, following those announced on 26 February. The EC took into account the latest recommendations from the […]
ZURICH, February 28, 2022 – Following the initial decisions adopted by the FIFA Council and the UEFA Executive Committee, which envisaged the adoption of additional measures, FIFA and UEFA have today decided together that all Russian teams, whether national representative teams or club teams, shall be suspended from participation in both FIFA and UEFA competitions […]