Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Executive Committee of European Gymnastics met to discuss the sanctions for Russia and Belarus. Following the IOC advice and the FIG decisions published yesterday, the following measures will be taken until further notice: The Russian and Belarussian national flags will not be displayed, and the Russian and Belarussian anthems […]
LAUSANNE (SUI), FIG Office, 26 February 2022 During its meeting today, the Executive Committee of the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) expressed its concern following the Russian military invasion of Ukraine and decided on the following measures:The Russian and Belarussian national flags must not be displayed, and the Russian and Belarussian anthems must not be played […] After 12 intense days of voting, the 2021 European ‘Gymnasts of the Year’ have been crowned. In Women’s Artistic Gymnastics, Jessica Gadirova (GBR) triumphed with a total of 12.196 votes: In Men’s Artistic Gymnastics, Ferhat Arican (TUR) won with 24.711 votes: In Rhythmic Gymnastics, Boryana Kaleyn (BUL) scored 97.746 votes for the victory: And, […]
In the face of the humanitarian tragedy that is hitting Ukraine hard, AIPS condemns Vladimir Putin’s choice to launch what he simply called a Special Military Operation, which is shaking not only Ukraine but the whole of Europe and the world.We are principally opposed to the use of violence as an instrument of oppression.With the […]
A mixed zone at the Beijing 2022 Winter Games. (Photo by Getty Images)IOC BEIJING, February 21, 2022 – The number of validated media accreditations at the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 was 9,388. This number was announced today by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Some 1,952 accreditations were accounted for by written and photographic press, […]
This is the article published by Mike Davis on his popular blog, The Medal Count, on the 15th of Jan.2022.
This is the article published by Mike Davis on his popular blog, The Medal Count, on the 15th of Jan.2022. The Great Romanian Gymnasts Who Came Before Nadia (Part I) ” Note: I want to thank Magda Petrescu who was a big help in my putting this article together. She provided me with numerous notes on Romanian […]
În cadrul proiectului ”Săptămâna Presei Românești. Pagini luminoase de istorie” , Uniunea Ziariștilor Profesioniști din România a inclus și intervenția despre presa sportivă. Acest proiect al „paginilor luminoase de istorie” include fascinanta poveste a revistei „Lumea”, alături de trăirile și emoțiile jurnalistului Corneliu Vlad, trecând apoi la importanța agențiilor de presă din România, rememorate de […]
După o muncă asiduă timp de vreo cinci ani, cu prilejul Campionatelor Europene, care auavut loc la Cluj, în 2017 – nici nu se putea un moment mai fericit -, am lansat volumul ”Inscripții pe columna gimnasticii românești” , în dublu format clasic și electronic, în ale sale 1600 de pagini încercând să adun ”mărgele” […]
Gymnastics was not an exception. Starting in February, from Melbourne (Australia) to Milwaukee (USA), from Baku (Azerbaidjan) to Doha (Qatar), from Birmingham (G. Britain) to Tokyo (Japan), from Gothenburg (Sweden) to Utah Valley (USA), to Swakopmund (Namibia) to Osijek (Croatia), from Cluj-Napoca (Romania) to Cairo (Egypt) and more, gymnastics doors closed one by one. Artistic […]